Spousal Support and Child Support

Southern California Spousal Support Lawyers

Understanding California Laws on Spousal Support

Alimony is generally based on one spouse's need balanced against the other's ability to pay. These cases can become complex, and it is essential to seek advice from an attorney who understands the law and will fight to protect you.

How Are Alimony Payments Determined?

Depending on the situation, spousal support can be awarded on a temporary or permanent basis. Temporary support calculations are based on statewide guidelines and can be awarded for a set period of time while the divorce is pending. Permanent support is based on several factors. When you hire Divorce Authority, we will do everything we can to ensure that you receive fair treatment under the law and work for a settlement that serves your interests.

Southern California Child Support Attorneys

Achieve a Support Arrangement That Meets Your Children's Needs

Divorce Authority understands that determining, modifying, and enforcing child support payments can be a complicated and challenging process. With a team of ten Certified Family Law Specialists, our Southern California child support law firm has the experience and expertise to help your family find a solution while minimizing time and stress. Our primary focus is to ensure that your children receive the financial support they need and deserve.

How Is Child Support Determined?

Child support obligations are established by a specific set of statutory guidelines. These guidelines provide a clear structure for determining child support, which means a court must have compelling reasons to deviate from them.

Factors the court considers in making a determination on permanent alimony:
  • The earning capacity of the supported spouse
  • The length of the marriage
  • The standard of living established during the marriage
  • The age and health of the parties
  • Contributions of the supported spouse to the career advancement of the other
Key considerations in determining child support include:
  • The income levels of each parent
  • The number of children
  • The needs of each child
  • The number of overnights with each parent
  • The standard of living prior to divorce

The information required to calculate accurate child support payments is precise. If incorrect figures are used at any point in the process, insufficient results can be delivered. Having representation from an experienced attorney familiar with the statutory framework can help ensure that the proper level of child support is ordered.