Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

Exploring Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Options in Southern California

Experience the Divorce Authority Advantage

At Divorce Authority, we strive to understand our clients' goals and concerns, applying our comprehensive knowledge of the California Family Code to their unique situations. We believe that peaceful settlements often lead to the most favorable and cost-effective outcomes, but we're also prepared to engage in litigation when necessary to protect our clients' best interests.

  • Prioritize what matters most to you.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for your process from beginning to end.
  • Identify the right resources to address emotional, financial, parenting, legal, and communication challenges.
  • Complete your transition fully informed, with a focus on family and the future.

What sets Mediation and Collaborative Divorce apart from litigation?

Entering a divorce can be an emotionally challenging time, filled with fear, hurt, anger, and confusion. While contested court proceedings tend to exacerbate these emotions, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce focus on addressing all concerns and challenges, enabling you to make informed decisions tailored to your goals, needs, and success. You receive:

  • A direct voice in the outcome;
  • Confidential discussions;
  • A voice for your children;
  • A parenting plan created by you with assistance from a neutral child specialist;
  • Privacy;
  • Legal information;
  • Financial information;
  • Opportunities to minimize tax consequences and maximize tax benefits;
  • Access to therapists, financial professionals, and legal professionals;
  • A comprehensive resolution.

How can I determine if Collaborative Divorce or Mediation is right for me?

If you think these processes may be suitable for your situation or if you would like more information, schedule an orientation with us today. We will review each process, explaining benefits, risks, costs, and expenses, empowering you to make the best choice. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to divorce, healthier options exist, and we are here to guide you through them. We are your support team, helping you stay out of court.

Discover Our 3-Step Divorce Process!

If you and your spouse reside in California and seek a stress-free divorce, we can help you both create a mutually acceptable outcome, allowing you both to move forward in life. Our proven 3-step process for divorce in California can be achieved through mediation or a collaborative divorce.

Step 1 – Collect & Organize

Gather and organize your documents with your attorney or counsel. You will meet with your attorney or counsel to prepare all necessary documents for filing for divorce, including petitions, financial statements, disclosures, and other legal documents such as judgments.

Step 2 – Review for Accuracy

Examine all legal documents with your consulting attorneys before signing them. You and your attorney will review all documents, petitions, statements, and other essential items to ensure complete accuracy.

Step 3 – Submit Your Information

After reviewing and obtaining approval from your attorney or counsel, submit your information to Divorce Authority. We will thoroughly review all required documentation and file with the court. Once the judge executes and approves the divorce documents, you can start your new life!